Elizabeth Radin
Elizabeth Radin has 20 years of experience leading global health research, programs and policy. She has worked on a range of issues including HIV, nutrition, maternal and child health, health systems strengthening and health security with over 20 countries in Africa and Asia.
Dr. Radin is currently the Director of Health Policy at the International Rescue Committee, where she works to develop and scale solutions to public health challenges in fragile and conflict-affected settings. She joined the IRC in 2019, after receiving a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship to adapt lessons from the global AIDS response for emerging health and humanitarian crises.
In addition to academic publications, Dr. Radin's writing and comments have appeared in Time, The Atlantic, CNN, Project Syndicate, Columbia Journalism Review, Voice of America, Vox and Devex. She holds a Masters in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a PhD in Public Health from Oxford University.